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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Marigold mayhem

I love Marigold's. When I behold them, their bright colours just brighten up my day. In the past, I've had some problems trying to get them to grow from seed, but then again I used to only a sew a few seeds at a time. Tonight I decided it was time to shift the odds in my favour. 

As nature would have it, someone had scattered generous amounts of seeds in one of the flower beds at the bottom of the complex, so I harvested a whole sandwich bag full of seeds and brought them back to my garden and scattered at least half the bag. I'm hoping that in a few weeks I will be rewarded with tons of bright flowers.

In our spirit lives we occasionally need to tip the scales in our favour. How do we do that? Faith! And how do we get faith? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Therefore there will come times that we need to focus on increasing our word intake.

Spending a few extra minutes per day reading the word than you normally would, will give you the word boost you need to help strengthen your faith.

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