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Monday, October 8, 2012

Vet day

Vet day has to be one of the most stressfull days in my calendar. My otherwise brave little kitty cats turn in howling drama queens from the moment we leave. They howl all the way to the vet and all the way home. But arrive home and they come running into the house to claim their full tin of tuna (unlike other days, when we have to share with mommy).

So the mear thought that tomorrow will be vet day, already has me hyperventilating. Ok, so maybe they got the drama queen thing from me. But honestly, I don't know what hurts more? A short injection or the dent to my wallet? Lol!

The benefits though truly are lasting. Knowing my kitties will stay disease free for another year is a really big blessing.

Life is like that. Sometimes we have to endure momentary pain in order to receive a life time of benefit. If you are facing a situation that that will bring momentary pain, ask God to be your pillar of strength, I know he will certainly be mine.

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