Everyday God - Amazon

Monday, October 1, 2012


Octobers birthstone, the Opal, treats the eye to an array of different colours like a summer rainbow. The Opal derives its name from the Latin word "opalus," meaning precious jewel. Prized for its unique ability to refract and reflect specific wavelengths of light, the Opal was called "Cupid Paederos" by the Romans, meaning a child beautiful as love.

This gemstone actually contains up to 30% water, so it must be protected from heat or harsh chemicals, both of which will cause drying and may lead to cracking and loss of iridescence. A gift of Opal is symbolic of faithfulness and confidence.

Rainbows too refract light creating their beautiful display of colour and did God not convey to mankind that we are indeed his 'precious jewels' when he made the promise to Noah that he would never again destroy mankind. God displayed his faithfulness to us by not only making this a promise of whymsy but by sealing this promise as an everlasting covenant.

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