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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Do the Cha-cha

A good friend posted on Facebook, "Taking a step back after a step forward is not a disaster, it's the cha-cha." Boy I know a few people who could learn from that. Especially the one's with a temper problem.

Life is going to throw us curve balls, we have to learn to deal with it. We cannot go through life chucking our toys every time we don't get our way and most of the time we are peaved about relatively small stuff!

Now Martha on the otherhand had a valid grype. Her brother Lazarus had died, and Jesus his friend, the famous healer had not come to heal him when there was still a chance of recovery.

What did Jesus do? He didn't stress about it. He showed his compassion and grief by the tears that He shed..... Then He went one better than healing and raised Lazarus from the dead!

When we stress about little things we show lack of faith in God. God can and will answer our prayers, but He does it His way!

Have faith in God!

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