Everyday God - Amazon

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Always the bad guy

It's somewhat amusing, but mostly sad that some actors are always cast as the bad guy in every TV or movie role they are cast in.  What is it about them that makes us always pin such a negative connection to them.  It can be a look, facial features, body type and many other possibilities.  Truth is, there is just something about their countenance that causes us to pin such negative tags on them. 

What countenance do you reflect?  Do you have a light in your eyes, or are they always dark?  Does your smile go up or down?  Do you always wear a frown?  There was an old chorus that used to go, "I see Jesus in your eyes and makes me love him, I feel Jesus in your touch and I know he cares, I hear Jesus in your voice and it makes me listen....."

Can people see Christ through your countenance?  I know we all have bad days and feel grumpy occasionally, but occasionally people should be able to smile when you walk pas them, because your face is wearing one too. 

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