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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Counting the turns

Sshhoooee! It's done. Vet day done and dusted for another year. It didn't go without incident though. Honey must have cottoned on to mom's intentions and he was hiding away when I got home. After much hunting, he eventually revealed himself.

I thought offering them some catnip would ease the stress and make them more accepting of the trip, but that didn't help one bit. The howling started the moment the cages came out and didn't stop until we got home.

The only way mom gets through the trip it to count the turns the car will have to take to get there and the turns to get back. We all need coping skills. Struggling to get through the last two hours of work? Try drawing a pie and marking off every 15 minutes. You'll actually be surprised how often you miss a 15 mark and then have to cross out two.

Jesus was no different. He had to endure painful torture, humiliation and an agonizing death. How did he get through it? The word says that “for the joy set before him, Christ endured the cross.” What joy? Our salvation.

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