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Monday, October 29, 2012

Matching figures

Accounting does have its boring side. Matching thousands of debits and credits can leave your cross eyed. Sometimes figures can be out by just a few or even just 1 cent. Unfortunately if you are out of balance, it will mean going back over your figures again until you have it right.

There simply are no short cuts, you must take it one set of numbers at a time. Why is it that we are so desperate to take the easy option out. I know it is human nature but short cuts simply don't teach us what we need to learn in life.

The children of Israel spent 40 years wondering round the desert when the journey could have taken only a few days. God chose to use this time in the wilderness to rid them of the memories of their oppression and teach them to have faith in Him. That is why when Joshua and his men entered the promised land they understood how to 'shout' their victory song.

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