Everyday God - Amazon

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Lately I've been just plain exhausted. Waking up tired then trying to get through the day and going to bed tired. I decided this weekend to get some sleep and just allow my body the time it needed to just unwind.

I can hardly believe how good it feels. My muscles are relaxed and the world just seems a brighter place. Have you been battling with depression lately? If so, you might just need a little sleep. When we don't allow our bodies time to rest properly, our brain isn't allowed time to reboot properly.

The other reason people feel depressed when they are sleep deprived is that when we sleep our brain processes emotion and makes sense of the experiences we have had. That is why we will very often have “Ah-ha” moments when we first wake up. Our brain has had the time to process and has come up with the necessary solution to our problem.

We need to remember Ps 127:2 “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.” Know that you are loved by God today and ask God to give you restful sleep.

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