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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Remember '94 !!!!!

We hear it every day on news and radio. Murder, rape, armed robbery, bombings, rhino slaughter.........crime, crime, crime and most South African's are sick of it. The question is, what are we going to do about about it? Many initiatives have been launched to try and raise funds to fight this social pandemic but we seem to be making little impact. Why?

Years ago while doing a worship course in Johannesburg, Tom Ingles made a statement that shocked me to the core but rang true on every level. His statement, “A physical war cannot be fought until a spiritual war has been lost!” On the surface that just sounds wrong but to see it in practice makes much more sense.

Not one single South African currently alive can forget 1994. The landmark year that changed South Africa forever, but in the haze of jubilation we sometimes forget the pain. A short while before the elections, riots broke out in Johannesburg city centre where I worked at the time. Across the country a state of emergency was being declared in many regions because of the violence.

The Nye Sayer's predicted a blood bath on grand scale......but instead what happened? Christians throughout the country got down on their knees and prayed for God to heal our Land. The result? An unprecedented peace throughout the record breaking 2 day elections! I think it is high time we united against this scourge that is threatening to destroy our beautiful country!

Common Christians, I'm saying stand up and be counted! We have done it before, we can do it again!!!!