Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Crazy weather

My goodness, how is this weather we are experiencing. Needing winter blankets in summer and two pairs of shoes because I don't know whether I'm going to be hot or cold during the day is just frustrating. Don't tell me that global warming hasn't messed up our climate....who know's whats next?

If the weather can leave us feeling that we need to be prepared for anything, what do we need to do in our spiritual lives to be prepared for all situations? Develop a close relationship with God through prayer and worship. You will be amazed at how much strength and direction you can gain from just a few moments with God each day!

In recent weeks I have realised that I had not put communication with God first and as a result I did not have the wisdom I needed in certain situations. I'm certainly not going to make that mistake again. Spending time with God each day has given me the compassion, strength and wisdom to deal with what I am facing right now and I am so grateful to God for His gentle guidance.

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