Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Planning, planning!

I met with the company who are doing my renovations to do some planning and get some advice about the project work to be done next month and boy I am stressed. Although their staff are experienced the fact that I haven't been through anything like this before has me really nervous. I keep thinking about all the things that can go wrong and what if I don't have everything I need???? Questions, questions!!!

Luckily for me, the lady in charge has offered to go with me on the day I do the purchases to give final guidance and make those last decisions, so I do feel a little more relieved. I just have to hope that they don't get too busy to make it. She also showed me some of the work her guy has done on the bathrooms of their managing offices and I must say I was impressed with the finishing...looked very neat.

We all put a lot of planning into the projects we do in life, but do we give the same thought to our spiritual growth? I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity I had to do three years of bible school, but in reality although similar opportunities are available to all, not all of us will make the decision to sacrifice the time to do it. So am I gloating, No! What I am asking though is, what decisions or plans have you made to make your spiritual growth a priority?

You may say that you don't have the time or the money to attend a college, but we can all do personal self study. Are you willing to ask the tough questions and see what you can do? By way of a soft whisper in your ear, you might be surprised at how many free Christian ebooks you can get on Amazon, so why not take a look?

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