Thursday, September 11, 2014

Huddled round

Today as we huddled round a radio to catch the broadcast of the Oscar Pistorious trial verdict, thoughts crossed my mind of how the world waited and held its breath while Neil Armstrong and crew proceeded as they took their first walk on the moon.

This lead to thoughts about other key moments in history which people had come together to experience while huddled round a radio. News of the 1st and 2nd world wars as they raged on I Germany, Japan and in many other countries around the world; the coronation of Queen Elizabeth; broadcasts of major sporting events and many, many more.

Why is it that hearing news live is so key in our lives? I believe it is because one way or another, these events will fundamentally change the way we view our world. We may be delighted and overjoyed at the events or we may even be totally horrified about the news we are hearing. Our world view has a major impact on the kind of people we become.

Our world view however does not only shape our beliefs about the people on this planet but also the way in which we view religion. Many people the world over have turned their back on God due to the disappointment they felt over a particular incident and this happens even more when a religious figure falls from grace and one we all remember well in this case would be the Jimmy Swaggart scandal.

As a church today we have a responsibility to consider what people will think when they view our actions today and whether or not we maintain the integrity of God's church and the ministry.

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