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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Twin Towers

I will never forget the moment on 11 September 2001 when I first heard about the terrorist attacks at the world trade centre twin towers in New York. My first thought was this must be a sick joke or massive hoax. Sadly though, it was no joke. Arriving home to find all normal TV programming interrupted as the world stopped and watched this tragedy unfold.

The combined death toll from the attack on the twin towers, the pentagon and the failed attempt on a plane that crashed away from it's target left thousands dead. I simply do not have the capacity to understand how any human being could inflict pain and death on such a massive scale. For those who lost a loved one, this indeed was the day the earth stood still. In honour of them we do take a moment to stop and remember.

Jesus disciples faced a day like that too. That fateful day when Jesus took, what the disciples at least thought would be, his last breath. The trial, the Via dela Rosa, the blood, the thorns, the sword, the cross, all must have been more overwhelming than they possibly could have imagined.

Were they not the ones who had walked with this man Jesus? They had seen him feed the 5000, they had seen the blind eyes opened, the lame man walk and then there was Lazarus....raised from the dead.

To those who lost loved ones at the twin towers and Jesus disciples, death must have seemed the ultimate victor! But....then....it happened! Mary had been to the tomb and the stone was rolled away. The Angels....the message...could it be?

Yes, it is true! Jesus did rise from the dead. The testimony of his life rings loud, not only in the pages of scripture, but in the lives this gospel has changed, mine included. I met Jesus and accepted him as my Lord and Saviour when I was 11. Have you invited him into your life to be your Saviour? If not, I invite you to do so today.....while we remember!

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