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Monday, September 10, 2012

How does your garden grow?

There was an old children's poem that started with, “Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?” I've given much thought recently about how to germinate seeds. Do I just stick it in the ground? Do I go back to primary school biology and put them in moist cotton wool? Do I soak them in a jar of water?

Then I realized, nature does all this without question or stress about how to make the seed sprout. All it needs is soil, water and sunlight and there it grows. How often do we stress about how to get our relationship with God to grow. Must I fast once a week? Do I have to get on my knees when I pray? Do I have to pray a certain way for God to hear me?

1 Corinthians 13 speaks as much about spiritual maturity as it does about love. After all, it doesn't matter what we do, if we don't do it out of love, it means nothing. So what are our soil, water and sunlight of Christian growth? Faith, Hope and Love!

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