Everyday God - Amazon

Monday, August 20, 2012

Swing of things

Getting back into the work swing of things is never easy after a break. Couple this with some scary SciFi TV viewing and you've got the recipe for a panic attack. That's how I felt first thing this morning. After night-mares of my office desk being moved to a tennis court and being stuck with a work desk the size of my junior primary school desk, I was starting to hyperventilate.

Thank God for his word as my morning scripture reading about consistency and steadfastness in difficult times anchored my heart back in God's presence. Feeling a bit more comfy and cosy I managed to get through the day quite pleasantly.

The devil loves to mess with our brains. His tricks can infect our minds like a computer nano-virus. If we are not careful, he can quickly take control of our thoughts. That is when we need to remember that we have the power to “take every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God” and bring it into captivity, under God's control.

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