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Sunday, August 26, 2012

One giant leap

20 July 1969 Neil Armstrong steps on the moon. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Those words rung out as a statement of faith that mankind can and will overcome any limitations we may have set on ourselves, be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

As a child of the 70's I remember those words reverberating as a regular refrain. The sense that we could overcome immense challenges became a turning point in world history. Since then we've seen the fall of communism in the once mighty USSR, the wall dividing East and West Germany has fallen and many more challenges that have faced humanity have been overcome.

As much as Neil Armstrong’s words have given faith and echoed through time, so too the words of Christ have echoed through humanity.... “It is finished!” Christ paid the price and overcame death, securing our eternal salvation.

As we remember the life of Neil Armstrong, let us continue to hold the faith that God is able to do great things through humanity if we will only believe.... all things are possible.

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