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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Boulder hopping

With my recent trip to Parys, my guide lead me for a walk up the banks of the Vaal river to look at the rock formations. At one point we came across a small stream and I knew that I was going to struggle to get across. My guide also did her fair share of testing me to stretch my comfort zone.

While I was sliding down a rock my guide trotted on ahead. It wasn't long and she returned and handed me a stick she found in the river. It didn't take long and I was hopping across the rocks myself.

I realized that somewhere in my past I had either hurt myself badly or embarrassed myself while out hiking and I had developed a fear for challenging myself physically in a hike. My hearing disability makes it difficult for me to maintain my balance and I fall easily.

This trip really opened my eyes to how much I had been living my life in fear. What I realized is that I truly can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. In order to achieve this, I need to understand my limitations and develop the coping skills necessary to deal with it and move on towards my goal.

Common, if I can do it, anyone can!

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