Everyday God - Amazon

Monday, September 26, 2011

What's on the cover?

Most people underestimate the value of a file label.  That is until the day they need to find something they filed a few years ago.  We are taught not to judge a book by its cover in order to avoid a judgemental attitude, yet we seldom remember that we all labelled uniquely based on our own attributes.


Colossians 3:3 tells us that we have died and our life is hidden with Christ in God.  What does this really mean?  This means that when we accept Christ as saviour our old nature (the sinful one) no longer exists.  To be hidden with Christ means to be tucked in, unseen from the outside.  This would be something like a small baby Kangaroo in its mothers pouch.  From the outside you cannot see that the baby is there, you only see the mother.


When God looks at us, he no longer sees us, He sees Christ and the price that he paid for our salvation.  God only sees a blood washed lamb, because we have been hidden away.  All our sins are covered under the protective blood of Christ and that is why we can boldly proclaim that we are Christians, little Christ like ones.


That is our true label – Child of God!



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