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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Grave test

All of us struggle with bad habits of one kind or another.  We often hear people say, "I just can't kick that habit."  It can be smoking, drinking, swearing, abusive talk, the list goes on.  The reason we struggle with these habits is that over time we start to assimilate that habit with who we are (our identity).  If it then becomes part of our identity then giving up that habit becomes a denial of self.

I have to challenge this concept.  We are made up of spirit, soul and body.  When we die, our body gets destroyed but our soul and spirit leave together.  Our true identity is in who we are in soul and spirit.  I would like to call this the 'grave test'.  If your habit will stay in the grave when you die, it is not part of your identity. 

When you can separate your 'being' from your 'doing' you should be more clearly able to tackle the problem at hand.  Why hang on to something you can't take with you?  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"  Be strong in God, face your habits and deal with them!


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