Monday, November 16, 2015

Disaster recovery

So it was my turn to be involved in our companies disaster recovery testing today.  This meant working from a different location for a few hours.  I was truly amazed at how seamlessly some aspects worked, but then as expected there were a few hiccups, which is precisely what the test is supposed to iron out and assist with. 

In our faith our ability to cope through and recover from disaster is directly proportional to our level of reliance on God.  The reason for this is that if we aren't able to trust God for the smaller things in life, then we most certainly will not be able to trust Him when disaster strikes.

Thankfully today we finally received some much needed rain, but it did not come with danger.  As per expectations our biggest storms usually break out right around home time and even if I'd left the office 20 minutes earlier (which was not possible) or left half an hour later, I most likely would have been caught in it due to where I was when it struck.  It was just one of those things.  Thankfully again I saw our normally totally impatient Joburg drivers exercise extreme caution which was appreciated.

Answered prayers often do come with danger so we should be prepared and not be shocked when it happens.  Remain calm, focused and patient through it and you will most likely come out the other side safe and secure.

As I give thanks to God for our rain, I continue to ask for more prayer for rain and revival, we still need more of both..... 18:00.  

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