Time spent focusing on family usually brings some clarity on priorities and what is important in life. As I look around me I see a country in crisis. The Rand is at an all time low, our government is a failure, our electricity supply is threatened daily and now to add insult to injury our country along with many others is in a drastic drought.
We are in desperate need of rain!! More than this though, we are in desperate need for revival. Revival of spirit, revival of faith, revival of conscience. This made me wonder, is it possible for one person, or a small group of people to start a revival? The answer is most certainly, Yes!!!
The world renown Azusa street revival began in 1906 and was led by William J Seymour and ran through to roughly 1915. Thousands of people were touched by this amazing revival and from it flowed was is believed to be the start of the modern pentecostal movement.
Directly from it the Apostolic Faith Mission was born but with it several others and one in particular that forms part of my faith foundation, the Assemblies of God. Missionaries from this movement went out into over fifty nations, including Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, Holland,
Egypt, Syria, Palestine, South Africa, Botswana, Hong Kong, China, Ceylon and
You and I can make a difference and therefore I am going to stand up, raise my voice and say it is time to pray for the revival of God's earth through rain where there is drought and sunshine where there is flood but more so revival of spirit the world over.
Call to prayer for revival: 18:00 daily, for any amount of time you can! God CAN heal our LAND!
[Please share this with your family and friends]
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