Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Seeing in colour

I've always been the type to stop and pay attention to the rays of light as they pour through the clouds or the colours of the sunset on a slightly cloudy day, but since I've been painting all of a sudden I see the colours in more vivid clarity.  When you look closely you can see the the depth and light of the colours and often how many shades of orange are present in a sunset. 

We may often think of that our lives are a bit dull or dreary but that is most certainly not the case.  When we look at our lives through God's eyes we see the multiple shades of grace, mercy, forgiveness and courage that God has so majestically painted into our canvas. 

It is only when we accept the beauty of God's love present in our own lives that we can start to see the love of God for others.  When we do we will be more willing to show them grace, knowing how much grace and love God has poured out on us. 

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