Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sweet nothings

In relationships don't we just love those moments when our loved one tucks their arms around us and whispers sweet nothing's in our ear. Usually if the sweet nothing is about how wonderful we are, our partner scores brownie points.

When we praise God this is exactly what we are doing for God. We magnify who He is and how wonderful He is and what amazing thing that He has done for us. The most powerful thing that God has done for us was to sacrifice His Son and in the tabernacle we see this exemplified at the brazen altar.

The altar was usually on a small raised mound being a projection of Christ being raised on the hill at Golgotha. It was made of Acacia wood, which is symbolic in the bible of judgement, and then covered in bronze. The animal sacrifice had to be of a male animal without blemish. The person bringing the sacrifice would lay their hand on the head of the animal thereby transferring their sin to the creature.

The priest would slaughter the animal and sprinkle the blood, which is significant of atonement, in front of the veil to the Holy place. Without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness. In Egypt at the passover the animals were slaughtered and then the meat eaten to protect the Israelite's eldest child from the Angel of death. At the last supper Jesus broke the bread and said to His disciples, “Take, eat, this is my body broken for you.” This powerful symbol of communion not only represents the death of Christ but brings to fulfillment the passover of Egypt.

When we come to God's tabernacle and praise Him for His work, let us remember the sacrifice of Christ and give God the glory He truly does deserve.

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