Monday, January 13, 2014

Living canvas

I love the art of cosmetics and the fact that we can use our faces as living canvas. I have had people comment that I'm not wearing much make up, if only they knew. I work hard to keep the colours looking as natural as possible. There are days however when I'm in the mood for some colour, then simple changes make a big effect.

Our lives too are living canvas, God paints shades of colour mixed with black and white to change the scene and as our lives unfold before Him He views His masterpiece to enjoy the wonderful picture.
A masterpiece takes time to craft. At times we can only see a small part of the picture or even just an outline. As times go by the strokes God paints fill the canvas more and more. We need to learn to be patient as God works in us as over time we will learn to appreciate His craftmanship as much as He does.

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