Monday, January 6, 2014

Got the sulks

Ginger let me know this morning, in no uncertain terms, that my returning to work was totally unacceptable behaviour in his little kitty mind. He did so by curling up on the top of my kitchen cupboards and ignoring flat all attempts I made to talk to him. Lol! Lets hope he forgives me quickly.

What happens when we get the sulks towards God? “What,” you say, “I never to that.” I assure you, you do. We all do. How do we display this behaviour? We ask God to bless us with something we have convinced ourselves we really need, then when it doesn't happen or come to pass like we expect, we ignore God and stop communicating with Him. Sure enough as time goes by we figure out that God did us a favour by not giving us what we had asked for.

How does God respond when we sulk? Well He does what I will have to do with Ginger, He shows up and keeps on loving us. God knows the path our lives will take and what lies ahead long before we do. Learning to trust God and leave our desires in His hands can be very difficult, but that is part of our spiritual growth journey.

If you have unanswered prayers in your heart today, don't loose hope or sulk with God. Be patient, thank Him for His goodness and blessing in your life and keep moving forward in your relationship with Him.

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