Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Taking Jericho

Much has been written about the value of team work. Yet it is only when you get to experience a team working together that you realize the importance of it. Try to achieve something on your own and you will seldom succeed. However take the same challenge and put a team onto it and the results can be truly spectacular.

I think that is part of what God was up to with having the Israelites wander through the desert for 40 years. For centuries they had been slaves in Egypt and only pulled together when threatened by whips. They needed to learn the value of working together to achieve a common goal.

40 years later.....the walls of Jericho fell! Why? Because they marched together round the city in silence for 6 days, and then together on the 7th day delivered a shout that shook the foundations of the city. Millions of Jews working together dealt a death blow to Jericho.

We all have Jericho's in our lives. Challenges that just seem too big for us to handle. Why don't you pray and ask God to show you with whom you should partner to tackle these challenges. Believe me, God has a team waiting just for you.

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