Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dishes, dishes, dishes

Two hectic days later I finally had to catch up on dishes. Three loads later they are finally all done. Okay, I do have a small counter top machine, just thought I'd mention that before you pictured my entire kitchen full of dishes.

Catching up on dropped tasks can be really hectic. Thankfully our relationship with God is not a task we have to perform, it is just that, a relationship. God values every minute we take to turn our thoughts towards Him.

All God longs for is for us to turn our hearts and thoughts towards Him whenever we can. Yes, we do need to spend time in the word to grow in our relationship with Him, but communion with God encompasses our entire walk with Him and not just our learning.

So next time you collapse into bed and remember at haste that you have not had much time to fellowship with God, simply say, “Lord I love you,” and I can guarantee you it will bring a smile and warm the heart of God.

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