Thursday, May 30, 2013

Made to last

Esme's funeral today was a sad but beautiful event. It was Ashani's speech that made something abundantly clear. Our original home fellowship group, where we all met way back in 1998 built relationships that have lasted and will most likely endure for many years.

Here's what was really funny though. I was only 23 when I started the group and registered it as a 'young adults' group, but it ended up being anything but that. Esme was nearing retirement at the time and the rest of the group was a mixed aged, multicultural, multilingual crazy concoction, but we all ended up loving that special time we spent together.

The years may have passed and our paths may have all gone in different ways, but the love and friendship never ended. I can well imagine that not long after arriving at the pearly gates and doing the grand tour, that God might have introduced Esme to my family members already there. I can hear her laughter as she recounts the tails of our times together and that just has to make me smile.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

He can paint the sunsets

Nothing grabs my attention more than a beautiful sunset. With great skill, God the master artist speckles the sunlight with dust to create that orange glow. Then on other days He swooshes the clouds and sun rays across the sky to form spectacular pictures.

As the sun sets and the evening draws nigh our time of rest has come. Yet as we sleep the earth turns and we know that with the dawn of a new day, the pattern will repeat and it won't be long before the sun will set again.

I've been deeply touched over the past few weeks, by friends who have had family members ill in hospital, by friends loosing a life long companion pet but even more deeply by friends who have lost loved ones that I have known well and cared deeply for.

As the sun has set on these precious lives, I know that not only will life continue for those left behind but that those who have departed will face the joy of an eternity of sunrises, but now in God's presence. My heart goes out in sympathy and compassion to all of you.

Written in loving memory of Esme Lubbe for whom we will say a final farewell tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuna mate

Now Tuna with even the simplest but right ingredients, is absolutely divine! It's easy on the tongue and especially the nose if you're like me and not that fond of sea food. The trick is figuring out which ingredients work together well and repeating the pattern. Our relationship with God grows part by simple experiences that touch the heart and truths learnt in scripture that are applied in a consistent pattern.

For example: If you struggle with a bad temper it does nothing good for your health. In fact anger pushes up your blood pressure and puts stress on the heart. If we have an experience where we are on the brink of loosing our temper, but manage to stay under control by reminding ourselves of the word which says, “Be angry but don't sin,” we will learning the process to changed behaviour. In that instance we may be able to control our temper and the result will mean finding a calmer solution to the problem.

As we have success in that one instance we start the process of gaining victory over a bad temper. We need to remind ourselves however that this is a process and at first we are not going to get it right every time. We will slip up and make mistakes, but if we remember to ask God for forgiveness and repent, our heart will become more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Ask God today to show you the unique fit needed for your situation.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Cous Cous

Arriving home late, I decided to try something quick, my first bowl of Cous Cous. Sadly for me I paired it with the one thing that Cous Cous does NOT seem to go with, Tuna! Bleeeh! I tried to finish it but it just wasn't going to go down so I had to toss it and try something else for dinner. Salad. Both sad and boring.

There are some things in life that just do not go together, like a bad attitude and success. Being grumpy and difficult will just not produce in us the strength needed to achieve success in life.

If we want to walk the spiritual road to success it will have to require a willingness to humble ourselves and change our attitude towards the process of learning. As we learn we grow and our attitude turns to reflect the heart and love of Christ.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Passing through

My folks passed through Jo'burg this weekend on route to Kruger National Park on holiday. It was a short overnight stop but very much enjoyed and appreciated. It always amazes me how much a short visit can warm the heart.

In this life we are merely visitors passing from this life to the next and our time here is short. Yet along the way we meet people who's kindness and warmth touches our soul and they are never forgotten.

I hope that your prayer, as it is mine, will be that we can make a lasting impact on people wherever we go and that the love that God has given us will be shared with them and touch them deeply. That way we will have a legacy on this earth no matter what earthly seed we may or may not produce.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Written in sand

Have you ever judged a person or situation only to get a completely different response to what you were expecting? Isn't it strange when someone reacts in a completely different way to what we expected?

Jesus did that when He refused to judge the woman caught in adultery. In fact He challenged those present by saying, “He who has no sin caste the first stone.” Then He began to write in the sand. They all left.

None of us know what He wrote in the sand that day, but I can only guess, can't you? Let's be wary of judging people based on our own perceptions. Let's give people a chance to show us who they really are and no matter what, let us show love with an open heart!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I don't know if it has happened to you, but I know it has happened to me. Someone does or says something and totally irrationally you bark back a response and go into defend mode like a Porcupine sticking up its quills.

Why does that happen? The reason it happens is because somehow what has been done or said triggers a very painful memory and our response is to find some violent way to protect ourselves. This is because whatever pain we are carrying has not fully healed and we receive the message as a dagger heading for our wound to inflict further damage.

How should we respond to people when their quills go up? With love, compassion, empathy and some more love. Think of love like a blanket and as we throw it over the porcupine we are able to approach and then wrap our arms around it to assure it that our intentions are good.

Love does cover a multitude of sins and conquers all our fears.

Monday, May 20, 2013

FB Quotes

Have you ever noticed how on one particular social media website a lot of the pictures with quotes posted on them are usually motivational quotes? I have. Why do we feel the urge to post these and share them?

Because we all need encouragement or motivation. Life in our complex world is so rushed and stressed and all some people need is just a word of encouragement.

Next time you see a colleague looking stressed or a little down, how about going to them and putting a hand on their shoulder and just saying, “hey, I know how you feel and chin up.”

I'm sure their face will light up with a smile and that warmth will soon become contagious :-)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Thicker soles

To my disappointment my both shoes of my little black suede boots cracked across the middle on the same day last week. On Friday night I thought I would scout Clearwater mall and see if I could find another pair I liked. Nada!

Saturday morning meant the hunt was on again, so this time I decided to try my local Hub store. Bingo! I found a cute set of black short boots and this time with much thicker soles. I'm sure hoping they will prove to be much stronger and last longer.

In our faith too we will find that there are times when we thought we had a sure thing and it proves too weak to sustain us. It is at times like these when we need to search the word of God and do a little bit more than just glance over a few scriptures, but dig in and ensure that we have a strong grasp on scripture.

To achieve this it helps to have a bible study guide. There are many wonderful scholars who have taken the time to study scripture and put it across to us in ways that make it easier to understand. If you don't currently have a bible study guide, then I encourage you to try and get one as it will be very valuable to you in your spiritual growth path.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Take the hand

So often in life we face situations where life has clapped us hard.  We feel down and out and we cannot make sense of the disaster we find ourselves in.

It is at times like these that well meaning friends try to come alongside us to help.  Honestly sometimes their advice sucks, but there is always that one friend who tells us the truth whether we like to hear it or not.

Sadly our pride often stands in the way and even when we finally realize that they are right, we are unwilling to listen.

I'd like to encourage you to take the hand.  Reach out and grab onto what they are offering you and you may just find that your path to success is quicker than you think.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

So simple

Have you ever seen something, an idea, a business or even a product and thought to yourself, “That's so simple, why didn't I think of that?” Well, that is because so often we complicate life to the point where even the obvious goes completely unnoticed.

Faith is like that. It really is that simple, to just believe in Christ and the resurrected life that He offers. We sometimes read scripture and try to find some complex deep meaning when all the while the truth is right in front of us.

I'd like to challenge you today to look at faith a little more simply and just believe. After all, Jesus said, “If you have faith like a mustard seed....” Allow scripture to speak to you about the simple truths of God and you will find yourself deeply touched.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dishes, dishes, dishes

Two hectic days later I finally had to catch up on dishes. Three loads later they are finally all done. Okay, I do have a small counter top machine, just thought I'd mention that before you pictured my entire kitchen full of dishes.

Catching up on dropped tasks can be really hectic. Thankfully our relationship with God is not a task we have to perform, it is just that, a relationship. God values every minute we take to turn our thoughts towards Him.

All God longs for is for us to turn our hearts and thoughts towards Him whenever we can. Yes, we do need to spend time in the word to grow in our relationship with Him, but communion with God encompasses our entire walk with Him and not just our learning.

So next time you collapse into bed and remember at haste that you have not had much time to fellowship with God, simply say, “Lord I love you,” and I can guarantee you it will bring a smile and warm the heart of God.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mind shift

I have found myself recently looking at questions of my life and future and realising that I am going to have to make some changes if I really want to see my dreams and goals fulfilled. It is very hard to change set perceptions and beliefs. The question that arises is why should I change? Well unfortunately you have to change to get different results.

Is our faith any different? No! Jesus whole life and death present the new believer with challenges that change the way we think. From believing in the virgin birth to accepting that a loving and just God would send His Son to die a horrifying death for our salvation, requires that we challenge our perceptions of who God is.

One may think that the disciples may have had it a little easier as they at least got to walk and talk with the man who healed the sick, gave sight to the blind and even raised a man from death, but they too were challenged with their beliefs. Every sermon Jesus preached went radically against the known beliefs of the time.

In faith and in life we are going to be challenged to change our thought patterns. I challenge you today not to back away from this in fear but to tackle the adventure and know that God will lead you in your journey to a life of deeper faith in Him.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's just can't help it

Have you noticed something about mother's? They actually can't help themselves but to give blessings to their children. I know I've certainly tried to gently steer my mom away from her window shoping when we go to malls together. Lol! :-)

I seldom succeed. She usually finds something somewhere that she knows I need and she's not leaving until she has blessed me.

Isn't God the same? He blesses us with talents, gifts and abilities. Most importantly He blessed us with His Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

I hope that all the mom's had a wonderful mother's day and have a blessed week ahead!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Will Star ships ever fly?

As a child of the 70's the dawn of space exploration ignited the hearts and imaginations of millions. Mankind's first steps on the moon birthed a belief that one day as human beings we would be able to explore God's magnificent creation......The Universe!

Science fiction television programs and films have left us in awe and I know I've certainly wondered many times if we will ever truly see Star ships like Star Trek's Voyager ever leave this planet for the outer regions of our galaxy.

Till now it has been all a dream, but recently new giant strides towards this goal seem to be re-igniting the fuel of space travel enthusiasts. Talks of aircraft’s being built to take ordinary citizens to the edge of our atmosphere are so exciting. More news that the colonization of Mars may well be possible within the next 10 to 15 years, already has many signed up willing to take on that adventure.

I believe there are no limits to what man can achieve. God has engineered us to be curious and creative and if we put our minds together then one day it all may be real......and who knows then what magnificent discoveries will be made?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ready for love

Nothing warms my heart more than when my little fluffy ones come and they want to curl up in my arms or on my lap. It indicates to me that they are in the mood for love and affection and that they will be less likely to resist any hugs, cuddles or kisses I am willing to bestow on them.

Giving love should never be forced. God is a gentleman and He waits patiently for us to come to Him with signs that we are ready to receive love. When we do, He welcomes us with open arms and bestows His love on us with favour and blessing.

If you've been feeling a little down lately, why don't you reach up with open arms in worship and allow daddy God to shower His love on you.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cell phone yoyo

I was back on the cell phone yoyo again. I had to drop my phone off at the repair center yet again and this time it's off to head office. I'm hoping they will come to their senses and give me a replacement, but I must admit, I don't have any confidence right now that it will help. I suppose I have to work through the process though and see where it leads.

There are so many areas in life where we can experience frustration and even anger but how do we get through them without loosing our sanity or faith? I suppose it boils down to learning what to use your emotions on wisely.

Anger isn't always a bad thing, it lets us know when our boundaries have been violated. If we always surpress anger without expressing it productively it can eventually destroy our emotional health. We need to learn to prioritize our issues and decide on a response instead of a reaction.

This kind of emotional growth does not come easily but we can and should ask the Holy Spirit to be our guide so that he can direct our actions so that we can achieve the best possible outcome. God is faithful and when we ask Him too, He will always be our source of wisdom.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Precious moments

After a long day at work we often arrive home and take little time connect with our personal space and the wonderful people in our lives. Children have homework, dinner must be made and all the while all we want to do is sit on a couch and vegetate to recuperate from the mental strain of the day.

Are we not perhaps putting the cart before the horse? Life is so precious and fragile, would it not be worth us taking half an hour to connect to family, children and most importantly God to find the strength we need to venture on and finish the day?

I believe it is and most of all I know that it is the short moments of play, a cup of tea or coffee with a spouse and maybe even a run in the garden with the dogs that make life so special. When next you are tempted to push aside your little one, thinking 'mommy's too tired to play,' take a deep breath and rather say yes. Those few short minutes could well revive your spirit for the rest of the day!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Oh the leaves of autumn

One thing I had not counted on when starting my herb garden round the back of the house was how much work dealing with autumn leaves would be.  The oak tree in my neighbour’s yard has made an awful mess of leaves and with all the tyres, slabs and stones it is really difficult to clean up. 

I can’t leave the leaves lying round either as I’m scared it may attract gogo’s to my herbs.  Hopefully it will just be another week or two until the bulk of the leaves are gone, then I can get stuck into the herb garden and work on that over winter as the gardening magazines say that herbs quite like the cold. 

The amazing thing about autumn and winter is that they expose the raw stumps of the trees which can look very stark and bare.  In our spiritual journey we face these seasons too when it seems that all life has been stripped from our bones and we are laid bare before God. 

It is at these times that the stark truth of our relationship with God is exposed and tested.  Although they are tough times, they are necessary and valuable.  If we will allow these times to do the work they need to we will learn the true essence of our faith.  Once proven we can look forward to the joy of fresh buds in spring.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The psychology of kitty

Cats amuse me no end, especially their habits. Sir Ginger prefers to only take meals in two locations, on top of the box his dinner gets served on; as well as upstairs in his/our bedroom. He seldom ventures to the other feeding station on top of the tumble dryer.

Don't we all get like that at some stage? Stuck in our ways and unwilling to change a habit or behaviour. I'm pretty sure we do the same in our behaviour towards God. The sad thing is that the only way to really grow in life is to venture past the known to the unknown. To take risks we normally would not take.

It has only been 9 months since my adventure trip to Parys, yet in the months since then my life has changed in ways I could not have imagined it would. I have grown immensely and been willing to take on challenges that would otherwise have paralysed me.

What adventure have you been putting off for another day? Freedom and growth lie on the other side of your boldness. Will you make that leap of faith?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hello and Goodbye

Nope you didn't miss the rapture, I did drop off email rather suddenly and for that I apologise. Last weeks illness and other pressures left me rushed and exhausted and I didn't get a chance to drop a note to say I would be on leave for a few days.

In years gone by leaving home was easy, it was coming home that proved to be difficult. Now however leaving home has become more difficult thanks to my lovely cat babies whom I hate to leave behind. I knew though that on the other side of my trip awaited my anxious mom, eager to have her baby around for a few days.

While travelling I got to thinking about this more and it reminded me of our passing from this world through death. On this side our anxious family and friends feel the grief of saying goodbye, but on the other side God waits delighted to welcome us home.

There will always be sadness in death but thanks be to God who guarantees us a welcoming party we'll never forget!