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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tough as grass

Mary Mary quite contrary, how did you get rid of all that grass so that you could make your garden grow? Digging up grass in order to make a new flower bed must be the toughest part of starting a new flower bed. Grass has really stubborn roots and trying to get it out is a really big challenge.

Unfortunately in the process a bit bit of top soil is lost will need to be filled in again with good soil. That top soil could be many things. Sin, relationships, whether they be good or bad or habits that need to go.

Don't fear the losses in your walk with God, especially when it is people we need to part ways with. Even when those relationships have been good, they will have fulfilled whatever purpose God brought them into your life for and it is time for both of you to move on to greater things.

Habits can be tougher and require more work but once we are rid of those habits we can fill our lives with more positive habits that yield growth for our relationship with God.

Time to do a little gardening.

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