Everyday God - Amazon

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Revel in it

Having time to get stuck in and do a heavy gardening session on a week night was just FANTASTIC! Working up a good sweat while seeing my garden continue on this next phase was really exciting.

What amazed me more was the one plant that I had brought back from my Durban trip. I was almost certain it wasn't going to survive, as soon after it arrived home it lost all its leaves. As I crossed my fingers tonight and pulled it out of its pot to plant it into the garden, there they were. Little white roots had sprouted and it was well on its way to recovery and growth.

Giving up the body corporate work was a hard decision and I know for sure the people involved took their actions intentionally to hurt me. What I found out very quickly was that as soon as I let go of the anger and resentment, I remembered all the wonderful things I used to spend my time on before I got involved.

There is nothing that will frustrate the devil more than seeing you happy when he has gone on an all out attack to make you angry. It can be really hard to let go but once you do, the joy is great and I will certainly revel in having more of my personal time back.

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