Everyday God - Amazon

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


April 2010, a volcano in Iceland erupts ejecting an estimated 330 million cubic yards of volcanic ash into the atmosphere. The enormous ash cloud, which rose to a height of approximately 30,000 feet, created the largest air travel disruption since World War II.

We all have those events and moments, when it feels as if our world has come to an end, a cataclysmic shift takes place within us and we are never the same from that moment on.

The amazing thing about ash is that on its own it does little good to the earth, but mixed with the right amount of manure and a few other components it actually dramatically improves plant growth.

That is how we must view these events. Yes, they are devastating but the good that can come out of them if worked with correctly can dramatically and positively improve our future.

If you are going through such a traumatic event, hold fast to your faith and don't let go!

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