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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy or sad

Earlier today I had the thought in mind, “I feel sad.” Today some of the details relating to my late gran’s estate were finalized, so I suppose it would be natural for sad feelings and memories to pop up. A short while later though I received an email stating that we had to nominate our “employee of the month” and after sending that through another thought popped up, “I feel happy.”
So how come our moods can change from one moment to the next without warning? That’s because our emotions are directly linked to the thoughts we are having. Happy thoughts release happy feelings and sad thoughts produce sad feelings.
So is there a way to overcome sadness? Most times I can say yes. Grief is somewhat different and can override all other emotions. For the most part though the way to control our emotions is through our thought life.
Doesn’t Revelation tell us, “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony?” Absolutely! So when sad emotions hit, where possible take control of them by thinking and feeling thoughts that bring your mind back to God and his goodness.
It wouldn’t hurt to hum a little ditty that makes you smile…. Something like the “Happy Talking” song from the old movie “South Pacific” usually does it for me.

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