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Monday, June 25, 2012

Escape button

Don’t you ever wish there was an escape button to life, not that you want to end things, but just a way that you can morph out of your current situation and find a more restful place.  Annual leave just doesn’t cut it.  For weeks before there’s planning and overtime just to make sure your office runs smoothly while you’re away.  Then when you get back, there’s dealing with the fall out of what did go wrong and tasks that other people couldn’t cope with and two days back, you feel like you haven’t had leave at all.  

I know I’ve been there many times.  Somehow though, we have to find a way to recharge our batteries without putting a stop to everything.  My escape button is praise and worship.  Whenever possible, I’ll break out in song.  Be it quietly at work or in my kitchen while doing the dishes I’ll hum and sing away whenever possible.  

So why does this escape really work? I can give you a couple of reasons:
While singing out loud, it is hard for other thoughts to prevail.  Science has taught us that you can    very seldom be thinking one thought and speaking or singing something different (sorry ladies, even with multitasking, this works).
Music lifts our spirit very quickly, God designed it that way.
God inhabits the praises of his people, when we worship, he draws near immediately.
Most worship songs should be scripture based, so while we are singing we are confessing the word.

There really is a long list and I could keep going, but why don’t you just try it for yourself?   :-)

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