Sunday, August 7, 2016

Rushed pruning

On voting day, 3 August, I was walking through the garden when I spotted some buds on the blackberry.  I decided that some rushed pruning needed to be done.   Normally I prune in late autumn but last spring I didn't get a good crop so figured I would try pruning in late winter and see what works best. 

Pruning is such a necessary part of the gardening process and if it isn't done each year plants will actually die off or not grow to their full potential.  Interestingly enough it is sometimes not only dead branches that need to be pruned but live growing branches as well.

If used correctly the live cut branches can be used as slips and planted directly into the ground to grow new plants. 

Cutting away the dead parts of our spiritual lives is necessary as well but often we need to cut from our living spiritual matter to give life elsewhere.  We may feel that we don't want to do that but in later years we will certainly see the benefits of that life that we gave when mature Christians around us can attribute their own growth directly to our gift of life.

I encourage you to give life today!

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