Thursday, August 18, 2016

A naughty reminder

Last night was Topaz first night in mommy and Ginger's bedroom.  The power had been out earlier in the evening and the two kitties had played up a storm.   I remember Honey and Ginger doing the same thing.  Seeing as they were getting along better I thought it would be a good time to bring her upstairs. 

Boy was she naughty. 

She didn't want to settle down, she kept pouncing on Ginger's bed and eventually the only option was to tuck her into bed with me.  There were a number of movements throughout the night by her and Ginger and I did not get a good nights sleep.  Dealing with all this naughtiness reminded of Honey and Ginger's kitten time and that brought with it some grief today as I thought about Honey and how much I still miss him.  

Tonight however I am reminded that I cannot punish her for being a hyperactive kitten, that is the way God made her, just the same way that God made Honey with his heart and lung condition.  I have struggled to deal with his loss but I was reminded of a story one of my bible school lecturer's told us.  He was an American and felt the call to come to South Africa but had a new young child, when querying God about this call, he clearly heard God say to him, "Don't for one minute think you love your child more than I do."  

I take comfort knowing that God created Honey the same way He created me and therefore his illness and death is as painful for God as it is for me and Honey is safe back in the arms of His creator.  

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