Sunday, December 13, 2015

Miss one... hit one

Well sad to say my love affair with painting is still a miss one, hit one scenario.  Lions are proving to be my Nemesis and impossibly difficult due to their similar toned fur, so my painting on Thursday night had been a complete bust and I felt terrible about it. 

I decided to go back to basics and find something with more distinctive markings.  I had a beautiful photo of a Norwegian forest cat that made for a good choice and I painted that on Saturday....Well it was a a wonderful success for me personally and folks seem to like it! 

When we are growing in our relationship with God it can often feel that way too, that we just don't get things right automatically.  Maybe the pep talk I gave myself with my painting would help you somehow. 

- Think it through, don't just dive in and get started. 
- Remember what worked for you before, try new things but stay within the framework of what has worked for you.
- Get the background right first (when reading scripture this is particularly helpful).
- In my case I find working light to dark works best for me, you can always layer up.  In life focusing on the positive before the negative will be a good way to stay focused on the right things. 
- Focus on the eyes.  The eyes are the window to the soul and the eye in our faith is truth.  Always be truthful with yourself about what you are dealing with.  Being in denial will never get you anywhere. 

Happy growing...and in my case painting :-)

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