Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bed wars

Sleeping on the sleeper couch has been a bit of a challenge. With not having enough floor space to put the cat baskets down I decided to convert the couch to a kitty sleeper. Despite all my efforts to keep the little guys on their couch they occasionally climb onto my bed and refuse to move and fight for space ensues.

Last night it dawned on my though that what Honey wants is something woolly to kneed before he nods off. After much frustration, giving him what he wanted solved the problem and he was back to his kitty couch without further argument.

As comfort is to cats, The Holy Spirit comes to us to comfort us when we need His warmth and presence. At times of distress we can come to Him and ask Him to wrap His arms around us with His love and peace and He truly does.

If you are needing comfort and peace at this time, call on the Holy Spirit and ask Him to make Himself manifest to you. I am sure that you will be surprised at His response.

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