Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I don't often work late, so when the work load requires it, it is no trouble at all. Now that winter is in full swing I was taken by something quite ordinary that just struck a chord with me. Driving ahead all you could see was a highway of red tail lights. Yet looking in the rear view mirror all I could see was white head lights and a single row of orange highway lights to brighten our path.

Okay..... so what's so unique about that? Perspective. All those cars I saw were all going in the same direction, yet the view of them from my car was so different. Isn't that exactly what our lives are like. We look ahead and all we see is uncertainty and sometimes we even look at the future with fear, yet behind us everything looks so clear. In fact the norms of the road would tell you that if you were to see head lights coming towards you on a highway, that would be a very bad thing.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that we are all on the same path of life and that most certainly the view before us may seem fearful and aimless, but once we have done the distance the path behind us is always clear. Of most comfort is the fact that the Holy Spirit will always be there to be our single guiding light, so take heart and trust in God!

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