Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Honey and the Hadidah’s

This morning as I sat eating breakfast there were some Hadidah’s gleaning bugs from my lawn (thanks, good job!).  I could not help but remember back to the time when my Honey bear was only a small kitten of a few months old.
I was trying to coax him away from the glass doors (my curtains were still closed) towards his food bowl, when he pulled away.  I opened up to have a look at what had his attention and there, sure enough, was a Hadidah pecking away.
Cats make the cutest noise when they are spying on something they want to eat.  It’s a little Maa,aah,aah sound.  The little guy was licking his lips much better.  Was he biting off more than he could chew, absolutely, but in his mind I’m sure he was saying too himself, “I know I can take that birdie down.”
Our faith should be like that, daring and courageous.  When we step out for God and take well thought out risks we are sure to enjoy the sweet taste of success.

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