Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Depraved world

Listening to the news these days can leave one feeling very angry. Constant news of crime and violence make us wonder how much more depraved our world can become. But take a walk through the gospels and you'll be surprised at how little has changed.

The Jews were living under the tyranny of the Roman Empire. Massive class differentiation left millions in poverty with no health care and suffering financially. Yet despite the Jewish belief that the Messiah would bring relief from oppression, Jesus steps in and says, “pay to Caesar, what belongs to Caesar.”

The fact that His kingdom had nothing to do with earthly power struggles left the Jews bewildered and confused. But freedom from tyranny does not come with the change of political power on earth, it comes from the freedom we gain that this state is not eternal. For us there is the eternal hope of a city clad in gold, with a King who already does and will reign over all eternity.

And for this He died and gave up His life!

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