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Sunday, June 26, 2011

You can run but you can't hide

I've been struck by a thought recently...... Who wants to come to the end of their lives and have people say, “I'm glad that's over”. Certainly not me, I'd like at least someone to cry at my funeral.....
The thing is, how are we treating people and how do we treat God?

Jeremiah 23:24 says - Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?"; declares the LORD. ";Do not I fill heaven and earth?"; declares the LORD. In our relationship with God, he desires for us to open and honest with him and to bear all our thoughts before him. Some people think they can treat their family, friends and colleagues any way they want to and it doesn't matter, but God sees everything we do.

Let's try to remember to treat people with love, respect and kindness in this life, so that God will honour our lives in the life hereafter.

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