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Friday, June 24, 2011

Legal eagle

In the 80's and 90's, television show's about lawers and law were extremely popular. Leading one to believe that access to the legal system was relatively easy. I learned through life experience that this is simply not the case. Highering a lawyer can be extremely expensive and it is only those with money that succeed in getting the assistance they need. Do you find yourself in that position?

I have good news for you. The bible says in John 14 v 16 [Amplified]: And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Councelor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, and Standby), that He will remain with you forever......Notice all the capitals, that's not a typing error, all of these words are used to describe the work of the Holy Spirit.

An advocate is one who pleads his clients case in a court of law. Guess what, if you are in a bind, you can pray to the Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom as to how to address a legal matter. This scripture does not only apply to Christ pleading our case before God for salvation. When you need Him, you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you and he will guide your words and actions.

Whatever situation you may be facing, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to interceed on your behalf to God for your situation and ask him to councel you in wisdom.

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