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Monday, June 6, 2011

Burnt Veld

With all the joy that comes with seasons, the thing I hate most about winter is when they burn the grass and there's little pieces of black soot flying about and then there's the allergies, yug! It all just seems such a nuisance. But do you know what the benefits of burning all that grass are?

Well here's a short list: Prevents worse fire's; prepares the land for new growth; removes excess vegetation; helps plants germinate; thins overcrowded areas; thinned forests recover faster and are more resitant to insects and disease and creates diversity needed by wildlife.

Wow! Don't know about you but that speaks volumes to me about our spiritual and emotional journey's in life. So often we go through experiences which to use seem to be devastating fires at the time, yet little do we recognise the work that God is doing and the renewed life that will come out of that disaster. So if you've been through the fire, smile because what Satan meant to destroy you is becoming fertilizer for God's devine plan of restoration!

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