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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Use it or loose it

Kimberly, South Africa, is well known for it's open pit mining and there are several in that area. These mines give us the opportunity to learn more about our talents.

The world famous big whole, is well known due to the fact that it was dug by hand. To this day there remain millions of rands worth of diamonds which now cannot be mined. This mine was closed due to rock falls and another natural phenomenon. An under ground river has punched the bottom of the mine and filled it with water, so the water we see there today is not due to rain but the river.

If we do not use our talents, our talents too can collapse. We need to ensure that we work with our talents regularly. If necessary, do training to hone your gift and make it effective.

Unless God tells you to, don't allow your talents to lie dormant. God may ask us to do this for a season, but it won't perminant.

Have you checked that dusty shelf in your heart where your talents have been left?

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