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Monday, January 3, 2011

Radical Grace

Often when we think of grace our minds may slip towards something more along the lines of kindness, goodness and gentleness. This however is not the kind of grace that Christ showed us. His grace was radical!

I can think of no words to express the the enormity of his grace when looking at the price he paid for our salvation. It cost him everything.

I have often pondered what Christ meant when he said to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12, "My Grace is sufficient for you", but I think I'm getting a glimpse of it now.

True grace is compassionate beyond our wildest dreams. To be able to sacrifice something of yourself takes a lot. We often get aggravated when someone does something to irritate us without remembering the extreme anguish that Christ must have felt to carry the burdon of our sin.

I think we need to show more grace to others as we receive God's grace in our lives.

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