Everyday God - Amazon

Monday, January 17, 2011

Is it just a game?

The South African Protea Cricket team lost a match this weekend that they should have had in the bag. Our response? Dissapointment and outrage! And that over a game........

Imagine God's anger when Moses found the Isrealites worshipping a golden calf when he came down from Mount Sinai after receiving the 10 commandments. God's anger was due to his jealousy over our worship.

God's jealousy is not like ours though. Ours is selfish with little consideration for the other person. God's jealousy is not only due to the fact that he has created a magnificent planet for us to live in, but that he paid the ultimate price for us..... The death of his Son!

When we choose to worship other god's we tell God that there is nothing in him worth worshipping. I have to stand with King David on that one...... When I think of your heavens, the work of Thy fingers...... Choose for yourself who you are going to worship!

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