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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Power Team chain breakers

I remember as a teenager living in Nelspruit, in a youth meeting watching a video of the Power Team. Their leader, John Jacobs, is a monster huge man and the most powerful image left in my mind was of him breaking two sets of police issue hand cuffs with his bare hands.

Imagine my awe when years later I got to see the whole show live at the Rhema auditorium with John (now much older) doing exactly the same thing. His message.... simple... The gospel of Christ has the power to break any bondages you may have in your life.

I've mentioned previously that memories form neuro pathways in the brain. Bad ones form chains that bind us to past hurts and dissapointments. The good news..... When the Holy Spirit works on a root hurt, it snaps the chains and breaks the power that hurt had over you and releases all other memories bound by that lock.

The result..... When one hurt gets healed, a whole bunch of others follow suite.... And the amusing part is, in your mind you'll see them standing in cue, waiting to be booted out the door.

If you'll take the time to draw close to the throne room of grace, God through the Holy Spirit will work in you to break the chains that bind you. I dare you to draw close to him now!

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