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Monday, January 31, 2011

Till slip message

One evening, while enjoying a bounce around the aqua pool at my gym, a young lady handed me a till slip on which she had written a note. I was naturally curious and read the very beautiful inspiring message she had written to me. It was a message of hope and I couldn't have needed it more than in that moment.

We had never spoken before so there was no way for her to have known I was a Christian, yet she took the risk to write a God inspired note and had the boldness to deliver her message.

I still have that till slip in my purse and will most likely keep it for some time as it is a treasure.

I want to encourage you to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and be bold enough to give encouragement to people, even strangers whenever he leads you to do so. You never know what that person might be going through and your words of encouragement may help them through a dark time in their lives.

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