Monday, July 25, 2016

Goldilocks and the three beds

Well Saturday was another heart breaking day for me. Going to an animal shelter is just shattering to see all those beautiful animals that need love and homes, so I am appealing to you that if you are able and allowed, please adopt a fur baby, they really do need us....but I'm not going to dwell there, action will follow. I have chosen my new fur child but still await final confirmation on the adoption and the shelter owner has been a bit busy to get back to me personally today.

Ginger's antics never cease to amuse me and after a very short but cold walk after work I could tell he was looking for a nesting spot. Well we tried bed option 1, not acceptable. Bed option 2, nope something just didn't quite feel right.....but I was getting love meows, like OK you're getting warmer. Then I figured it out and out came bed option 3....aaaah! The little guy curled up inside and hasn't been out since and its been a few hours already...tee hee! Shame he must have really been cold, today's weather has been horrid.

The last two months have been torture on my soul and like Ginger I really just want to find a space and a place where I can feel “warm and loved” and just feel like everything is going to be okay again. I long to just be in a place again where “Holy Spirit” ministry is the norm and where the presence of God is felt in a tangible way. To hunger and thirst after God is a precious thing and I know that in due season, God will bring me back to His place of rest and back to the still waters of refreshing.

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