Thursday, April 28, 2016

A weeks worth

Every spring I do a serious clean out of the side garden of every inch of mint that I can find and then I lay the fresh compost and sprinkle seeds of whatever I'm in the mood for that year. I always wonder if it will grow back...tee hee! This past year it was parsley that I wanted. I had planted the Basil-Mint as well.

Wow, only a few weeks later you'll find the whole section beaming with new growth. Right now I am able to cut an entire bowl full of herbs each week and it hardly makes a dent....wonderful. Mint, basil-mint, parsley, rosemary, thyme...all get cleaned and sterilized before use and my goodness what a difference those herbs make to salads, tuna sandwiches and meals in general and the flavour lingers long after. Whether from slips or seeds, herbs are so easy to grow and if you don't have much space you can grow them in pots, bottles and tins, there is no need to go without.

Our relationship with the world should be a bit like being a herb. We should easily grow and when others have been in our presence the effect of that connection should linger long after. Admittedly there are times when this is hard to do due to issues we are working through in our lives, but by enlarge we should make a positive impact on the world around us.

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